Saturday, August 6, 2011

Building "The Rainbow park" - Phase 1

I have been a member of the NGO Schule fürs Leben (School for life) for about two years. In 2007 this german-colombian organization built a school made out of bamboo for refugee kids in Cali, Colombia and has been expanding the campus since in order to give more kids the chance to go to school and escape poverty, childwork and violence. Every year volunteers from Germany come to Cali and build part of the school, last year it was a workshop building for timber work apprentices. This year the goal is to build a covered "park", where the kids can play without being exposed to Cali's burning sun all the time. So my husband David and I came with 7 volunteers from the Lippe University in Germany, to make this project reality! 

Building the model with the bamboo-apprentices and the volunteers

The model is ready! except for the roof

Other models for baboo projects made in Ecobamboo

Workshop in Ecobamboo. We learn how to work with bamboo 
and start prefabricating the beams for our project

The beams are finally ready, after 3 days of hard work! 

Now the most difficult part comes: load them onto the truk! 
they are really heavy!

 Mission completed!!!

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