Saturday, August 6, 2011


Since 8 and a half years I left my home country Colombia and have been “In Motion” (en movimiento) all the time. I lived in Germany, Ghana and France and travelled around Europe and Southamerica. And it seems like it won't stop, I'm moving all the time, meeting new people and cultures and seeing new architecture around the world. Right now I'm in Colombia, building a school made out of bamboo with german volunteers and in the next months I will be travelling around Southeast Asia, before returning to Germany, where I live now. 
Here I will be telling WORLD STORIES, sharing with you new PLACES and ARCHITECTURE. I hope you enjoy it! 


  1. How kind of you to let us know more about your life, your trips and above all your altruistic work for others. Every time I think about you I keep on saying to myself how great and cool you are. I will be very attentive to the new entries. By the way, if you are coming along all the way to Asia, is there any chance you and your boy stop over in Oz-land?

    Santiago Barrera Acevedo

    Ps: I think it would be good to change your profile language settings from German to English, otherwise it could be troublesome for some of us to post comments in here.

  2. Hola Santi!!!
    no creo que pasemos por oz-land pues ya tenemos nuestro vuelo de regreso desde bangkok. pero cuando quieras te recibimos en frankfurt!!!
    schöne grüße
